Dear Friends!
The celebration of the birth of Jesus and the New Year is upon us.
First, I would like you to take 2 minutes to do an exercise before I share; 2023-2024 INSIGHTS- From the Mission Field.
Think about someone that you have supported in the past even just by reaching a hand to grab groceries.
Now, think about someone who you have supported to reach his or her potential by providing educational, emotional, or spiritual or financial needs.
Reminisce on the fulfillment it gave to you ...
Finally, reminisce on the joy it brought to the person's life...
Now come with me as I share the story of Esteem Resources Africa (ERA), that serves as a catch net organization for vulnerable young ladies and former Trokosi (ritual servitude) victims in Ghana. Together this village is stretching out it's hands to girls and young ladies to help them reach their potential.

I will start by using the African Proverb - "It takes a village to raise a child."
The proverb conveys it takes many people in “the village” to provide a safe, healthy environment where children and the youth are given the security they need to develop and flourish, and to be able to realize their hopes and dreams.
This is what I and selfless Volunteers, striving Interns and committed Supporters have been doing in Ghana for over 8 years and just as the saying connotes we need more people to join this village.
Through life skills development trainings, counseling, job and internship connections, providing food and shelter, as well as scholarships we are empowering girls throughout 9 of the 16 regions in Ghana. With the need vastly growing.

Over the years, we have had blessings, challenges and exciting achievements.
In 2023-2024, with God's Grace and Gifts from our Supporters, here's some highlights:
• Hosted over 18 life skills workshops for over 300 girls and Sowing Empowered Women Program (S.E.W) young ladies who witnessed God's care in action.
• Provided meals and safe housing/overnight stays for nearly 90 young vulnerable women.

• Conducted 5 Train-the-Trainer Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices for Social Workers, Police, Educators, Non-profit Organizations (NGO) and the Sowing Empowered Women Program (S.E.W.) in conjunction with International Social Work Solutions

• Provided Scholarships and follow-up advising for 15 young ladies enrolled in Arizona State University Thunderbird Global Management Entrepreneurship program

• Hosted our first-ever Sewing For Change Holiday Sale in which aspiring fashion designers earned almost 5,000 cedis (500US) in profit.

• Hosted a Health-Impact Day where two travel nurses; Lovett and Jim (US) from and CLITH Health Professionals (Ghana) educated S.E.W. on First Aid, CPR instruction and Breast Cancer Awareness.

• Provided support to flood victim, inspiring Caterer and SEW young lady
• Provided a Medical Scholarship to SEW young lady suffering from abdomen pain for the past 2 years. Special thanks to Dr.Nii Adjei Ala-Lomo and Eugene Kem
• Provided 6 of our girls Scholarships to support educational fees and entrepreneurial endeavors

• Created S.E.W. Connect Virtual Workshops for boarder reach to rural and remote communities, allowing Supporters to connect, share and educate from abroad

2023/2024 came together as a year of Great Impact and Hope!
Esteem Resources Africa- Breaking Chains, Changing Lives through Hope, Faith, and Love

Join us on this journey of providing possibilities in the lives of the vulnerable, and promising by becoming a Monthly, Quarterly or Annual Supporter.
Together let's provide freedom, development, and a flourishing environment for the "Girls of Ghana" and creating sustainable communities.
We Invite YOU to become a Supporter who stays on the journey with US!
All gifts are Tax Deductible
Ghana: MTN Momo Pay; 050430
Esteem Resources Africa
Number: 059 895 072
Want to give by mail?
Please make checks payable, and mail to:
Esteem Resources Africa
c/o Edwin Holland
8815 Oxfordshire Ct
Huntersville, NC 28078
Questions? Contact; ERACommunicationsCommittee@gmail.com
E.R.A is a designated Non-Profit 501c3 Organization.
Donations are tax-deductible and allowable by the IRS-USA. Federal Tax Identification Number 93-1446100/501c3
Inspiring Stories of Two of our Beneficiaries

My name is Hannah M. I am a young lady with Big Dreams. My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur in Goods(manufacturing) and services, and I aspire to become the Minister of Education. (Left in photo)
I am open-minded, a good problem solver, bold, resilient, friendly, a perfectionist, never tired of trying, but principled, and a good team player.
I was introduced to ERA through Portia and Ms Richardson during a workshop at Soronko Academy.
The workshops have been eye-opening for me. I used to settle for everything but now, through the various workshops and counseling sessions I have been a two-time beneficiary of a scholarship totaling 1,550 cedis over the years.
With educative topics like Dress for Success, Table Etiquette, Self-discovery Trip, Business Planning, Budgeting, Entrepreneurship, and Discussing on Abuse, I am now confident enough to make meaningful decisions and choices.
Currently, I am taking a 5-month course in Graphic Design while I wait for my National Service. Thank you for supporting Esteem Resources Africa and in turn reaching out help to us.

My name is Portia A., I am age 25 and from a family of 6 in a town in the Volta Region of Ghana.
I am a cheerful person, I love to be happy always, love to be truthful and loyal.
I joined Esteem Resources Africa through the Sowing Empowered Women Program (S.E.W.) in year 2016 (Ms.Rovaughna was at the Baptist Vocational Training Centre) and ever since then, it has impacted me emotionally and spiritually. Through the life skills workshops that I have attended throughout the program, I have become poised and it has also helped me in decision making.
Almost all the workshops that I have attended have been impactful, to mention a few, How to Write a Resume, How to Start and Build Our Business, and How to build your confidence in life and towards work.
Finally, the lessons I got from attending the 13-week Entrepreneurship classes have helped me in my business.
Currently, I am doing my internship in my fashion profession.
In the future, I dream of owning a "big-time" fashion brand that will be known all over the world. in some years to come.

Through Gifts from our generous and ongoing Supporters we moved this summer to our newly rented multi-use facility that provides housing for myself, 4 bunk beds for short- term and emergency accommodations for girls enrolled in our Sowing Empowered Women Program (S.E.W) and serves as a Work Studio for sewin, IT skill development, an office, and Workshop/Group Room for life skills and business development.
During this Christmas and Holiday Season, prayerfully consider the African Proverb, "One tree cannot make a forest”.

Help us create a path for girls like Hannah, Portia, and other thoughtful, aspiring young ladies in Ghana by supporting this year and beyond …
• Did you know an Annual Gift of 500US (8000ghs) covers 1 year tuition of a 4-year degree for a girl to become a Teacher?
• Did you know 25US (400ghs) a month helps a girl travel from an outlying village to get business, mental, communal, and spiritual supportive services twice monthly
• Did you know a 100kUS (1,6kghs) would afford us to build a Mission House of safety, functionality, and housing?
• Did you know 250US (4k ghs) monthly supports the salary of a dedicated staff person; Social Worker, Program Coordinator, etc
• Did you know 50US monthly supports feeding for up to 12 girls in our bi-weekly SEW Workshops?

We Invite YOU to become a Supporter who stays on the journey with us!
Join Us In Creating Paths of Change!
I would also like to extend a Special Thanks to all Loving Hosts, their families, Supporters, Churches, Board Members, Friends and Family members that helped make my 1st Stateside Visit since 2021 a Success!

There's no way I could have visited over 25 Cities and crisscross 9 States in 13 Weeks without YOU and Your Selfishness! THANK YOU SO MUCH!💓

Wishing each of You a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄

Your Global Servant-Leader to Ghana, Rovaughna ❤ 🇬🇭 🎄
Breaking Chains, Changing Lives through Hope, Faith, and Love