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Membership is currently open for the year 2023 for young ladies in Ghana to join us.
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Esteem Resources Africa is now the 1st and only African American Organization on the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations Against Child Trafficking in Ghana

Miss Rovaughna Richardson shares her experience with working with Child Trafficking and Trokosi in Ghana. An interview with Class FM

Meet the Girls of Ghana Series
"Benedicta D. is a 25-year-old girl who comes from the Volta region of Ghana. She currently resides in Spintex, Accra, and is the firstborn of her parents. She lost her father at a very tender age. She graduated from the Baptist Vocational and Training Center in 2017 with a certificate in Fashion Design. She joined the Sowing Empowered Women Program after she had completed school. According to Benedicta, Sowing Empowered Women Program (S.E.W) has impacted her economically that she was offered a scholarship to attend IT training through a local training academy for 6 weeks, and she received funding for transportation to attend the program through Esteem Resources Africa and as well coming to Sowing Empowered Women (S.E.W) workshops. She was also enlightened on how to budget, build her self-esteem, which she lacked, and boost her confidence level. Benedicta is now able to make good decisions for herself as a result of the impact she derived from Rovaughna Richardson the Executive Director of Esteem Resources Africa. Through the organization, she gained an internship opportunity to work with Hotel Himalaya. She dreams to be a well-known and big-time fashion designer and hopes to impact lives. Let's help Benedicta and girls like her attain their goals by supporting their dreams of sustainable living..."
Spread the link and the word!
Be 1 of 100 that gives $100
1 of 50 that gives $5000
1 of 250 that gives $25 Monthly
Of course, a Gift of ANY Amount is Greatly Appreciated!
#girlsofghanaseries #HappyHoliday"

"Abigail T. is 28 years old and from Kpong, she lives with a single parent and siblings and currently has an attachment with a fashion institution. She joined sowing empowered women through the Baptist Vocational and Training Institute. She was given a scholarship to join a local training academy for I.T. classes and she's now able to do things by herself. Abigail is dreaming and hoping to become a fashion designer and a businesswoman in the near future. She was awarded a sewing machine through SEW scholarship program during the open house program on December 10th
Spread the link and the word!
Be 1 of 100 that gives $100
1 of 50 that gives $5000
1 of 250 that gives $25 Monthly
Of course, a Gift of ANY Amount is Greatly Appreciated!
#girlsofghanaseries #HappyHoliday"


The Career and Business Workshop on the 13th of May with Ms. Metrova Bulla on "How to turn your passion into a career" The young ladies also share and model their creations and career dreams.🔥🔥

Time at the Amba Art Gallery and The National Theatre in Ghana, Accra connecting and discovering.

Time with "Calid the Traveler" and Mr Eric Yomantas with a presentation on "Personal and Business Finance 101".
Excerpts from our workshop on March 11th at The POINT

Arts for Stress and Sexual Abuse Trauma and Healing Workshop
The Sowing Empowered Women OPENING PROGRAM for the year 2023 is Here. We are Excited to host the LIVE Zoom Broadcast of this event!Ms. Prentice will be at The POINT to share her "Survivor's Story" with us, ways to heal from abuse, how to Succeed in life, and help others!As part of the program we also have "Arts for Stress". utilizing art to develop creative skills to manage stress and gain delight, enjoyment and satisfaction through participating in arts activities, develop creativitycritical thinking and communication skills.