The Journey started with a will to help, becoming a missionary in Ghana and being a part of the Baptist Vocational Training Centre family. Over the years, the vision has been growing and has become Esteem Resources Africa. This page shares the highlights of our journey so far. Join us as we continue to achieve even greater and bigger accomplishments.

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"It was a humbling experience helping one of the ladies recently rescued from the shrine, to pick out a birthdate. She only knew of a month and year, but not the day of her birth. As she selected the 16th, the smile on her face said it all."
Miss Rovaughna Richardson started her work in Ghana as a Licensed Professional Counsellor, has been living in Ghana since 2016, and has worked for American Baptist-International Ministries, in partnership with Ghana Baptist Convention to serve as Social Work Missionary and Trainer at the Baptist Vocational Training Center.
“The young girls I work with were once thought of as only being good for work as farmhands, fishermen’s helpers, sex slaves, domestic servants and ritual slaves who were thought to be carrying a curse for someone else, now they are starting to ask about Christ,”- Rovaughna

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The Baptist Vocational Training Center (B.V.T.C) is home to girls rescued from Trokosi. The centre provides a variety of skills and experiences over a 3-year period to prepare its students for life. Courses offered include fashion & design, catering, cosmetology and batik tie & dye.
Recognizing the need for a counsellor and therapist, B.V.T.C introduced Miss Rovaughna in 2017; a decision that has rekindled the passion of students at the centre. Progress made since 2017 include:
Mr Prosper Kukalo, the owner of the Himalayas Guest House at Frankadua, offered internship opportunities to graduates of B.V.T.C. The internship program was associated with the presentation and implementation of S.M.A.R.T goals by each graduate.
Weekly Business Skills Seminar students have designed a Dog Carrier with a local carpenter. All 82 students (boys & girls) currently working on presentation skills.
The University of Ghana also came on board and joined the cause by including the Baptist Vocational Training Center in its fieldwork selection list. ​
Conducted Ministry “Tea” and B.V.T.C Tour for guests from First Baptist Church of Midland, Michigan, the African-American Association of Ghana, and local Textile and Marketing Entrepreneurs to support internship/job opportunities for the girls
Presentation on ‘The Quest to heal victims of Trokosi’ at the 40th Annual International Education hosted by the Association of Black Social Workers.
​The First Baptist Church in Togo provided lessons on character building with examples about the life of Jesus.
Post-graduation vocational counselling initiatives and monitoring are needed to strengthen scholarship opportunities.
Lecture at the University of Ghana-Department of Social Work on the work of the B.V.T.C
Met with Patience Antonio of the Ohemaa Foundation and a Ghanaian Attorney to explore collaborative efforts and judicial advocacy for victims of Trokosi.

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Sowing Empowered Women was started in 2018 with about 70 students from the B.V.T.C to orient graduates on global marketing and ware design trends. The objective is to upskill graduates to make items that meet local and international demand. Women from disadvantaged backgrounds receive e-Counselling sessions organized bi-weekly over a period of ten (10) months. Over the year, some accomplishments are:
There was a visit from the Logistics Discovery Team (L.D.T) as part of the "Bring Yourself Campaign ' where the Continuum Missions Model was engaged as part of the work of The Sowing Empowered Women with workshops on building self-esteem, Health and Hygiene and understanding God's love and beliefs.
24 girls are currently enrolled in individual counselling.
Officers from the US Embassy visits the B.V.T.C. taking note of the statistics and gab information from our presentation to be included in the annual report on human trafficking for June 2018.
Visit from the mission partnership team from the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and the short-term director for the international ministries.
The ladies handled the Sowing Empowered Women support group discussion on their own 2 weeks after the visit from the Logistics Discovery Team discussing what they were taught about self-esteem.

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A lecture on African American leaders during the black history month.
We had Mrs. Mina Foli from Flavors and Grains share with us “How to Start Bussiness” during the weekly business seminar.
Mr. Nii Okyne, co-owner of Annie’s visited to share about his expertise and sausage samples.
Another milestone is the missionary shift from directly counseling the girls at the Baptist Vocational Training center to education and advocacy. The goal of stopping the girls from being abused, denied schooling and enslaved, we take a look at the components that has allowed for these atrocities within the Trokosi.
Donation of poly tank and stand to children of Christ Kinder Child Development Center. It has helped 174 community children have constant running water.

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Graduates of the B.V.T.C traveled to Accra for English literacy, Life Skills and Business Education training.
Collaboration with City Hearts and the Ghana Baptist Convention for a feeding program, continued online wellness checks, including life skills and self-esteem encouragement through internet services.
E-counseling for students, graduates of the B.V.T.C and potentially other human trafficking victims.

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Implementation of the vision to start a not-for-profit organization to serve former Trokosi, human trafficked victims, as well as young ladies from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Qcity Metro with an interview about the missionary and current goals.
The Justice Advocate magazine 2nd volume.
Podcast on the work in Ghana with the Pennsylvania coalition against rape-35th episode

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Birth of Esteem Resources Africa for females between the ages of 12-25. Under the initiative we organize bi-monthly life and business workshops, weekly e-counselling, job training and paid volunteer opportunities. Activities the organization engaged in to empower the young ladies include:
Online fundraising events, Health education by the CLITH Medical Professionals and Doris Komla of Awefa Artfusion with California state.
S.E.W Program Workshops for former Trokosi and disadvantaged girls began in April 2022
Approximately, 43 girls enrolled in weekly e-counselling, 4 girls were given Paid job opportunities through the S.E.W Job Referral Program.
Presentation at the Day of Scientific Renaissance Africa: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Social Work Practice-University of Ghana-Legon, Social Work Department.
Engaging 12 social work student volunteers from the University of Ghana-Legon student interns and S.E.W ladies. Esteem Resources Africa (E.R.A/S.E.W) Program applied to become a member of the Council of NGOs (Non-profits) Against Child Trafficking (CNACT)
Esteem Resources Africa welcomed Edwin Holland "Brother Holland", as Interim Board Chair. Retired Administrator and member of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Charlotte, NC and a former VP for Bank of America.
Approximately, 67 girls communicate in the S.E.W Program WhatsApp chat.
Welcomed our newly recruited PhD candidate intern, Petronella, from Zimbabwe to begin mid-July.
Visit to Teen Challenge- Ghana, California State University, Stanislaus Paint & Cultural Exchange, Visited Accra Zoo and Achimota forest for Green Ghana Day.
Hosted a Lecture from Mrs. Faye on budgeting and savings.
As of today,
the vision is continually at work in the hearts of those being impacted and in the lives of those pushing forward the cause.
Let us come together and help young ladies achieve their dreams!