Your willing is only as strong as your ‘Why.’
Find your strongest ‘WHY.’African fortune
Dear Friends,
I was having a short conversation with Sal, a Lebanese Restaurant Manager last week while I sat in my favorite ice cream shop in Accra. He hugged me, as is his custom. He shared that he’s purchased his jacket and preparing for his sailing trip. “Unplanned route this time, I’m just going…” Sal (not his real name) said, excitedly. I burst with admiration. “If you don’t take time, all of this will be gone” swirling his hands as he spoke. “You look up and what you leave is not taken care.” I’m reminded of Ecclesiastes 3:22 (NIV) “So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?”
For the past several weeks, I’ve began “rain harvesting.” Trust me, it’s not as glamourous as it sounds. It’s laboring, plain and simple. The water does not run in our facility and hasn’t for the past 3 months. So, all drinking, cooking, bathing, flushing of toilets and even at times Bear’s water comes from the rain. I sit out buckets and even a barrel that was once shipped to me by my former Mission Partnership Team of American Baptist-International Ministries. The Spirit even wakes me some early mornings and says, “It’s Raining!” So, I hop up, 4am, 5am and I start, moving buckets, pouring into larger buckets, rearranging, It’s difficult. Yet, I’ve been through the alternative when it was Dry Season with no rain insight. Watch my Snippet on how I "Harvest Rain": https://youtube.com/watch?v=X9DCtvh2_Do&si=pl30t44ApLNRRSOq
Recently, I spoke to God and said, “well we’re running low (on water), but I guess You know that.” I was down to 3 cups for bathing, water in the kettle and a few small bags of what’s called sachet water I use for filtering or Bear. It Rained…blessingly, right on time. Not only that, it rained “cats and dogs.” I felt happy, ecstatic even. I ran outside, moving buckets, dragging the shipping barrel, cleaning, rinsing. Buckets quickly filling, me too, not just from being rain soaked but my spirit as thoughts came to mind of all the things I could now do. The wind didn’t even go out of my sails as others watched from inside the facility. I thought, well not everyone is called to missions (later realizing that statement was a thinly veiled attempt to hide how I truly felt). I walked inside, dried my face, and jumped right into leading a staff meeting, soaked to the bone. After the meeting, I began bringing in the prize…overflowing buckets. As I continued the harvesting, I later realized the bliss from the sight of the rain, had turned to hurt. That kindness of help was not offered at any point. The incident got me to thinking about the interaction I had with Sal…if it’s not going to be “taken care” or appreciated, then why do it?
Simply put, HIM! Because if I rely on myself, though He has gifted me with the talents and walks with me to not fail, I, alone, am likely to choose behaviors that are not Light, words that may be hurtful and see only the clouds.
There can be sunshine in the rain or clouds in the sun. How we choose to respond when the clouds come is up to us. But I’m pretty sure He’s hoping we choose LIGHT no matter the circumstance, find contentment in all and let our strongest “Why” to be He who loved us first.
Thank You Supporters for being on this journey with me that is now into it’s 8th year! Your prayers, financial support and belief in this ministry is only surpassed by the love He has for us!
Prayer Requests:
· Successful, safe, and fruitful Stateside Visit beginning July 2024. My first visit since 2021! May God expand His territory of new Supporters and nurture existing Ones. May it also be a time of refreshment, connection and rejuvenation with friends and family.
· Safety and nurturance for young ladies starting the Sewing Empowered Women Program from rural and remote areas in Ghana. That we’re able to creatively meet their needs across the miles and in-person to feel His love and freedom through our hands and feet
· The hiring of competent, capable and committed staff (Social Worker, Program Coordinator and Administrative Assistant) with a passion for missions and the resources needed to be able to retain them and develop sustainable programs.
· Increasing in-country partnerships with organizations/companies/individuals for a “stronger together” fight against ritual servitude, human trafficking, exploitation of children and poverty.
Prayerfully consider Joining Us in "Breaking Chains, Changing Lives through Hope, Faith and Love" at
MTN Momo Pay; 050430
Esteem Resources Africa
Number: 059 895 072
Rovaughna in Ghana:)
Global Servant-Leader